The Gospel According to jesus - Part 3. Saved from what?

Reflective practice

Sit quietly for 2-3 minutes. Breath deeply and pay attention to your chest rising and falling. Allow yourself to settle. If you have racing thoughts, acknowledge them and then bring your attention back to your breath. 

In this place of stillness and contemplation, consider these questions for as long as you need:

  • Regardless of whether or not you’re religious or have been a Christian for decades, what could it mean for you to follow the ‘way of Jesus’ – to cultivate a life of beauty and self-giving love instead of harm and seeking power, in your life here and now? What would this change about your life?

  • How could following the ‘way of Jesus’ be connected to your salvation? (Not as a ‘how to get to heaven’ idea, but as ‘how I could be transformed’ kind of idea)